Kaleidoscope Magazine
Kaleidoscope Magazine is a magazine for families, home educators, forest schools, teachers and those looking to reconnect with nature and be mindful of the environment.

Kaleidoscope Magazine is carbon neutral and has planted over 500 native trees

Past editions of Kaleidoscope will be put into an archive to create an online resource.
Kaleidoscope Magazine aims to provide interesting ideas for learning, crafting, and reconnecting with the seasons. We aim to promote environmentally friendly activities that help us appreciate the world around us and help us to be mindful of the environment.
Learning about nature helps children grow into adults that will care for our planet. Our activities also provide an opportunity to learn in a hands on way and help provide fun ideas to spend time with others away from a screen.
Spending time outdoors has many health benefits and is important for our mental health. Kaleidoscope Magazine aims to get people outdoors to enjoy and care for our beautiful world.

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