The Gallery
Send in your works of art to have them displayed
in The Kaleidoscope Gallery
Email your image to kaleidoscopemagazinecontact@gmail.com
Charlotte from Suffolk has sent in this beautiful Christmas collage. She has used recycled chocolate wrappers for the stars and used fingerprints for snow!
Nathan, from Idaho in the USA, has sent in this beautiful drawing of his tree fort that he made with his brother Carter and his friend Patrick. This looks like such a fun place to be! Hope you have lots of fun in fort N.C.P Nathan!
We love this autumn sunset scene sent in by Galatea from Norfolk. Beautiful colours and we love the use of recycled paper!
Ruaridh, aged 11 from Scotland has sent in this beautiful work of art, we love the glowing colours! This made us think of the colours of autumn leaves and a warm fire, or the sun setting over a field. Keep up the great artwork Ruaridh!
Nathan from the United States has sent in this beautiful drawing of a Blue jay. We love the attention to detail Nathan has shown and the way that the Blue jay looks like he’s thinking of hopping off the branch.
Isaac from Norfolk, England has created this lovely painting called Mouse House. We love the bright colours and the way Isaac has filled the whole page!