January Crafts

Easy Bird Feeders

These are simple to make, you will need some sticks that have a bit of a bend to them still, we used some willow and some silver birch. You will need some string and/or rubber bands and some fat-balls.

First tie a bunch of twigs together. If you’re using string, it’s good to work in pairs so one can hold and one can tie the sticks together.

Push a fat-ball between the sticks and tie again underneath. You might need to ease the sticks around the fat-ball so you don’t have any gaps.

Hang your bird feeder up from a branch or by your window. Birds need to get used to something new, so it might take a week or so before they used it.

Pine Cone Bird Treats

These are very easy to make, all you need are some pine cones, some string, no added salt peanut butter and either wild bird seed, chopped sunflower seeds or chopped raw, unsalted peanuts.

Tie a piece of string to a pine cone and then spread it with peanut butter. Roll in some chopped nuts or seed mix and then hang from a tree for the birds to enjoy!

If doing this as a group activity, it’s good to ask those taking part to bring a jar or tub to put their pine cone in to carry home.

Chinese New Year Snake

This makes a lovely table centrepiece for a meal.

You will need some modelling clay and some birthday cake candles.

Roll out a long sausage and then coil it into a snake shape.

Push in the candles at regular intervals, making sure they are secure and can’t fall over.

When you light the candles remember never to leave them unattended and always supervise children with an activity that involves flames.

You could cook some Chinese food for a Chinese New Year celebration.

Cress Trees

In January, it feels good to see things growing, to see new life and hope for the spring! Cress trees are easy to grow and are ready in a couple of weeks.

We used a walnut shell but this works just as well in half a squeezed out lemon or orange, or you could use a piece of bark.

We put some damp kitchen roll in the bottom of the walnut shell, sprinkled on the cress seeds, and made a tree trunk out of modelling clay.

You will need to remember to water your cress tree every day.

In a couple of weeks your tree will be grown and ready to eat in a salad or in a sandwich.