World Days, Festivals and Folklore

The Anglo-Saxons called this month Wind Monath, meaning wind month. November is named from the Latin word, novem meaning nine. November used to be the ninth month before the Romans added January and February to the calendar.

November Weather Lore

If there’s ice in November that will bear a duck, they’ll be nothing after but sludge and muck.

Ice in November brings mud in December.

There’s no better month to cut firewood than November.

1st November

Calan Gaeaf

Calan Gaeaf is celebrated in Wales as the first day of winter. According to folklore, the night before- Nos Calan Gaeaf, you should light a fire and dance around it with women and children. When the fire dies out, everyone should run home because Yr Hwch Ddu Gwta, a black sow and headless woman will chase the last one and devour their soul!

A rhyme about this says -Adref, adref, am y cyntaf', Hwch ddu gwta a gipio'r ola'. Translated as - Home, home, at once.The tailless black sow shall snatch the last.

5th November

Bonfire Night

The 5th of November is celebrated as Guy Fawkes Night. In 1605, 36 barrels of gunpowder were found beneath the houses of parliament. A guard, claiming his name to be John Johnson, was found with fuses in his pocket, his real name was Guy Fawkes. His plot to blow up the houses of parliament and assassinate King James 1st was foiled and this has been celebrated ever since, with bonfires, effigies of Guy Fawkes and fireworks.

Since that day, whenever a King or Queen visits the houses of parliament, the Yeoman of the Guard search beneath the houses of parliament to make sure there are no hidden plotters or explosives.

There are many versions of the 5th November rhyme, this one was first recorded in 1742.

Don't you Remember,
The Fifth of November,
'Twas Gunpowder Treason Day,
I let off my gun,
And made'em all run.
And Stole all their Bonfire away.

See our recipe section for some Fireworks Night snack ideas!

6th November

International Saxophone Day

The saxophone was invented by Antoine-Joseph 'Adolphe' Sax in 1841. He wanted to make an instrument that had the projection of a brass instrument and the agility of a woodwind instrument.

Adolphe had an accident prone childhood, he fell on a lit stove, was found unconscious face down in a river, swallowed poisonous substances on more than one occasion, swallowed a needle, was hit on the head by a slate and survived a gunpowder explosion! Luckily he survived and went on to invent several instruments, the one that gained success was the saxophone.

Some interesting facts…

The saxophone is a member of the woodwind family and uses a reed similar to that of a clarinet.

Adolphe Sax patented 45 other inventions including a train whistle and a giant cannon.

The saxophone is the only member of the woodwind family made of brass.

There are many different kinds of saxophone, from lowest to highest pitch - tubax, contrabass, bass, baritone, tenor, alto, soprano, sopranino, and soprillo. Usually baritone, tenor, alto and soprano are used.

12th November

Odd Sock Day

Odd sock day marks the start of Anti Bullying Week. All you need to do is wear some odd socks for the day. You could even swap a sock with a friend and wear matching odd socks!

13th November

World Kindness Day

There are lots of ways to be kind, some are very small and effortless, we are going to find something extra to do today.

Some ideas for small acts of kindness….

Take your dog for a walk.

Call someone you haven’t spoken to for a while.

Find some volunteering to do.

Sort out a bag of things you don’t need anymore for a charity shop.

Make the effort to be friendly to someone working in a shop.

Try to buy fairtrade.

Make something nice to eat and give some to a friend or elderly neighbour.

Hold a door open for someone.

Let your friends and loved ones know what they mean to you.

15th November

Beaver Moon

A Beaver Moon is the first full moon in November. The name comes from it being the time of year beavers build dams and retreat to their lodges for the winter. This one is also a supermoon, meaning it is in a closer orbit to the earth making it appear larger. If you see it when it is close to the horizon it can look spectacularly big and bright!